07 December, 2009

Like the Singing Coming Off The Drums

Nothing like verse to kick off a busy week, right?

You wake up with morning breath - I wake up with poems on the lips. (Chuckles)

I discovered Sonia and a gaggle of black poets when I was 16, 17. Because we were never exposed to them in school, and my father's taste ran to Kiplng and Yeats, I'd grown up believing black folk had abandoned meter after Langston Hughes.

Here is what I woke up reciting in my head:

I dreamt I was tangoing with
you, you held me so close
we were like the singing coming off the drums.
you made me squeeze muscles
lean back on the sound
of corpuscles sliding in blood.
i heard my thighs singing.

-"Dancing" by Sonia Sanchez

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