22 January, 2010

Shirt Off My Back

On a lighter note, I've been shaking the pom-poms for CNN's coverage, which is nonpareil in my opinion as far as broadcast outlets are concerned. (The journalist in me can't help but dissect how stories are being told.)

Critics have accused the marquee reporters of showboating for the cameras, but the cable network has kept the camera trained on the scene with solid reporting and seamless transitions to other news stories like the Massachusetts special election.

The style reporter in me also quite automatically has been examining the sartorial choices of those assigned to cover the earthquake aftermath. Seems I'm not the only one, as this piece reflects.

I know it's probably not foremost on his mind, but I can't help but think that Anderson Cooper puts at least passing thought into those T-shirts.

And Dr. Sanjay Gupta, so incredibly well-coiffed, also in the now requisite black or grey tee, always gives me the impression that he's fresh from a shower. Rather incongruous given Haiti's sweltering temperatures and the dust and debris.

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