21 November, 2009

Rihanna Takes a Bow

I know that stylist Mariel Haenn is the real wizard behind Rihanna's we're-not-in-Barbados-anymore transformation, but I'm feeling the looks all the same. (That said, I did take issue with the heavy-handed Sharon Stone/Basic Instinct sartorial reference she pulled for Rih on that ABC primetime interview a couple weeks ago.)

Anyone who's met me can attest to my taste for bold lip color, and my tendency to force aggression onto my girlish pieces.

So, for instance, a recent photo of Rih on her birthday in militarized Bess boots and a Ladies-Who-Lunch, body-hugging sweater dress was right up my alley. Say what you will about her style not being organic but she gives off something far more authentic than the average pop star.

Her December Glamour magazine cover and spread now ranks as one of my favorites. (And goodness knows I'm a Vogue girl.)

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